"Merry Crisis and Happy New Fears!" and "I Don't Want To Enter 2021 Without Seeing The Trailer First" summed up our planet's annus horribilis.
For the ones devastated by Covid‘s physical, emotional and financial toll, 2020 was a bottomless pit of evil. For the rest, it wasn’t great either.
The crisis and the fears continue into the new year in the form of new strains, shortage of vaccines, timeline of immunity, who will get sick next, how will our loved ones stay safe while working in healthcare, will the business survive, will retirement come sooner than planned, how will our elders continue to cope.
When the anxiety is overwhelming, I blog or go to sleep because there's nothing we can do to restore sanity.
Then, I realize the only choice is to move forward and the pathologically optimistic sea goat that lives within me forces an enumeration of the good things that happened last year...
10. We transitioned to online shopping for groceries to clothes and everything in between.
9. Tele-medicine became a thing.
8. Whales in the Hudson.
7. The electorate delivered.
6. Working remotely is here to stay.
5. Time was ejected as an excuse for avoiding exercise, eating right, and picking up a hobby.
4. We reduced our carbon footprint.
3. We produced a vaccine for a devastating disease in less time than it takes to make a baby.
2. Our kids finally realized that they are not invincible.
1. It took a pandemic to start a year without resolutions, just with belief in science and on the wings of hope.
May last year's tail be short and may 2021 be kinder and gentler.
